While we are between terms at school, we decided to take an overnight trip to Jinja, Uganda. It was lovely to get out of the dusty, noisy city and relax!

We stayed at a quirky little bed and breakfast called "The Source of the Smile." Andy jumped into the pool approximately 500 times and would have spent the entire trip doing it if we'd let him!  Bethany was content to relax by the pool eating snacks.

We visited The Nile River and took a canoe ride to the source. Andy even got to drive the boat! Both kids loved splashing in the water and spotting wild animals! We saw monitor lizards, many different birds, crabs, monkeys, and even one tiny snake!

The next day, Nick took off on a rafting trip. He had a great time and even got capsized twice! How many people can say they went rafting down The Nile?! Such a cool experience!

Jan Brandenburg
12/21/2013 01:31:08 pm

Sarah, Stacia said we would be able to make a donation here on your blog for her to use to buy medical supplies when she is there, but I can't see where we can do that. What is the best way to get the money there in time for her to be able to use it? Thanks and Merry Christmas!

Gary Eiden
12/25/2013 02:55:05 am

Go to the top of this page click on contact us and you will see the PayPal Donate here button

12/21/2013 01:59:12 pm

Hi Jan! Merry Christmas to you too!

If you click on the "contact us" tab at the top right of the blog, you should see a "donate now with paypal" button. If you click that, it will take you to the paypal website with our information already prepared. Thank you for being such a support all these months! We really appreciate you and your family.

Mike and Carrie McCoy
12/21/2013 02:13:05 pm

Wow, it sounds like you are getting to see so much! What a fantastic journey you are on! We love that you are living for Him serving over there with your family! We'll keep you all in our prayers! God Bless!
The McCoy Family

12/22/2013 12:51:36 am

Thank you, McCoys! We truly appreciate your prayers and encouragement. :)


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